Youth Player Development Programs

Registration is now open for 2025 Youth Instruction classes. View classes and register >>

Registration for the 2025 Summer Junior Golf Camp will open Saturday, February 22 at 8 am. View program and register >>

Junior Golf Camp - 1 day/week, 5 weeks

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Instruction/clinics are held on driving range and putting green, directly followed by consecutive tee times for foursomes on the golf course.  While on the golf course, Sugar Creek camp counsellors and professional staff will provide guidance and general etiquette regarding order of play, pace of play, teeing area, putting green etiquette, tee to green and green to tee direction and supervise overall player conduct.  Any misconduct or poor attitude issues will be addressed and may result in removal from the course and contacting their immediate adult care giver. 

Summer 2025 Dates

Participants are registered for 1 day per week, for five weeks. Registration opens February 22 at 8 am.

Monday6/9, 6/16, 6/23, 7/7, 7/14
Tuesday6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/15
Wednesday6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/9, 7/16
Thursday6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17
Holiday Off Week6/30, 7/1, 7/2, 7/3
Tentative make-up dates from cancelled classes due to inclement weather7/21, 7/22, 7/23, 7/24

2025 Jr. Golf Camp Age Times and Fees

AgesClinic Times (Driving Range/Putting Green) Drop Off TimeOn Course PlayHolesFee
11-13Drop off at 7:45 am, class starts at 8am9am - Noon9$435
8-10Drop off at 8:45 am, class starts at 9am10am - 12:15pm6$410
6-7Drop off at 10:30 am, class starts at 10:45am-NoonDriving Range Mini course4 mini course$385

Waitlist Policies

1.)  If the camp you have selected is full, you will be placed on the waiting list upon completion of the registration for that day.

2.)  If an opening becomes available, you will be contacted according to your position on the waitlist.  Once you are contacted, you have 48 hours to respond and provide payment to secure your placement in the camp.  


2025 Youth Instruction Classes - $125, 4-weeks

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Ages 8-13

Youth Instructional Programs at Sugar Creek are a great way to improve their game. Group classes are designed for junior golfers age 8 to 13. Instruction will cover safety, etiquette, grip, stance, posture, full swing, short game, and putting.  Missed classes for personal reasons are not available for rescheduling for make-ups.

Boys Sessions

Boys Group Classes - 8-10 yr. oldDaysTime
April 28, May 5,12,19Monday4-4:30 pm
September 8,15,22,29Monday4-4:30 pm

Fee - $125, 4-weeks
Class size - min. 3, max 6

Boys Group Classes - 11-13 yr.DaysTime
April 28, May 5,12,19Monday5-5:40 pm
September 8,15,22,29Monday5-5:40 pm

Fee - $125, 4-weeks
Class size - min. 3, max 8

Girls Sessions

Girls Group Classes – Ages 8-10 yr.DaysTime
April 29, May 6.13.20Tuesdays4-4:30 pm
September 9,16,23,30Tuesdays4-4:30 pm

Fee - $125, 4-weeks
Class Size - min. 3, max. 6

Girls Group Classes – Ages 11 to 13DaysTime
April 29, May 6.13.20Tuesdays5-5:40 pm
September 9,16,23,30Tuesdays5-5:40 pm

Fee - $125, 4-weeks
Class Size - min. 3, max. 8

2025 High School Golf Program

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Ages 14-17

This popular program is geared toward preparing players for their high school golf teams or for those wanting to continue to build and improve their golf skills. The schedule is designed for the student to establish a routine throughout the summer which leads up to the beginning of high school golf team tryouts in early August. This is an excellent opportunity to develop skills and become familiar with Sugar Creek Golf Course – the home course for both Willowbrook Boys/Girls and York Girls golf teams.  This program is open to anyone, regardless of which high school they attend.

The high school golf season begins in early August and ends the first week in October. Golf matches (competitions) are typically 9 holes, mostly played on weekdays after school. There are some 18-hole competitions on Saturdays and post-season tournaments.

Classes are coed for all player ages 14-17, Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior

  • Five group clinics (driving range, putting green and short game stations) - 1 1/2 total hours each week
  • Four 9-hole playing strategy sessions (see schedule below)
  • Equipment analysis and advice on how to make the most out of your practice time

Fee - $525
Class size - min. 4, max. 20

Refund Policy

Until May 1, 2025 - You may receive a full refund for any withdrawal requests.
May 2-22, 2025 - 50% refunds will be issued for any withdrawals.

Clinic DaysTime
Thursday, June 121-2:30 pm
Thursday, June 191-2:30 pm
Thursday, June 261-2:30 pm
Thursday, July 101-2:30 pm
Thursday, July 171-2:30 pm


On-Course Strategy SessionsTime
Tuesday, June 1712:30-3 pm
Tuesday, June 2412:30-3 pm
Tuesday, July 812:30-3 pm
Tuesday, July 1512:30-3 pm

Note:  9-hole on-course sessions meet at Noon to warm up range/putting green prior to tee off.  We will not hold tee times for late arrivals.

Waitlist Policies

  • If the camp you have selected is full, you will be placed on the waiting list upon completion of the registration for that day.
  • If an opening becomes available, you will be contacted according to your position on the waitlist.  Once you are contacted, you have 48 hours to respond and provide payment to secure your placement in the camp.